
Rats and mice are both considered invasive species in New Zealand. They were introduced by European settlers in the 19th century and have since caused significant ecological damage to the country’s native flora and fauna. They have contributed to the decline and extinction of many species, including birds, reptiles, and invertebrates.

To combat the problem, the New Zealand government has implemented various control and eradication programs. These include aerial distribution of poison baits in remote areas, trapping and hunting initiatives, and strengthening biosecurity measures to prevent the introduction of new invasive species.

In addition to the ecological impact, rats and mice also pose a health threat to humans, carrying and transmitting diseases such as leptospirosis and salmonella. Therefore, it is crucial to continue efforts to reduce the populations of these invasive rodents in New Zealand.

Can I control the problem myself?


DIY mice and rat control can be an effective solution to manage infestations in your home, but it requires a few important steps. Firstly, it is important to identify the extent of the problem and the location of the nest. Block all entry points to prevent new rodents from entering. The use of traps, bait stations, repellant or natural deterrents can be effective in reducing rodent populations but care must be taken to ensure the safety of children and pets. Regular cleaning and proper storage of food as well as fixing any leaks and removing clutter or debris will also deprive rodents of potential food sources.

How we can help

Our pest control service specializes in effectively controlling rodent infestations in homes and workplaces. Our team of experts are well trained and experienced in developing tailored plans to address your specific rodent problem. We know that having rats and mice in your living or working space can be stressful and uncomfortable. That’s why we offer successful management plans to keep these pests out of your space. Our process begins with a thorough assessment of your situation to identify the root of the problem. Afterward, we create a customized plan that suits your unique situation. We have the right skills and resources to solve your pest problem, giving you the peace of mind you need.

“For lasting control beyond tomorrow”