
New Zealand is home to several species of wasps, including the common wasp, German wasp, and paper wasp. These species have become invasive in the country, negatively impacting the ecosystem and causing economic damage. Wasps prey on native invertebrates, honeybees, and other beneficial insects, disrupting the balance of the ecosystem. They also pose a risk to human health, as their stings can cause severe allergic reactions. The Ministry of Primary Industries has implemented several measures to combat the spread of wasps, including the release of biocontrol agents, public education campaigns, and encouraging the use of baited traps. These efforts have had some success in reducing the number of wasps, but continued efforts are needed to prevent further damage to New Zealand’s environment and economy.

Can I control the problem myself?


To control paper wasps in a DIY way, you’ll need to identify the location of the wasp nests and make sure to have protective gear before proceeding. Wait until late in the evening when the wasps are less active. You can then use a wasp spray or a dust insecticide to kill off the wasps inside the nest. Avoid bright clothing and sudden movements when around wasps, and take caution when dealing with nests that appear to be larger than usual, as they may contain more dangerous species of wasps such as German wasps.
There are two common wasp species which are German wasps and paper wasps. German wasps are aggressive and have yellow and black stripes. They often build their nests indoors, in the ground, composts, loose branches, and debris on the ground. On the other hand, paper wasps have a brown color, long body, and thin waistlines. They are less aggressive than German wasps. Paper wasps build paper nests outdoors and use various materials including mud.

How we can help

Professional wasp removal is the process of removing wasps from a property or building in a safe and effective manner. It’s important to have wasps removed professionally because they can be dangerous and aggressive if provoked, especially if there is a large nest present. 
We provide professional wasp removal typically involves locating and identifying the nest, assessing the size of the infestation, and selecting the appropriate method of removal. This may involve the use of chemical treatments, traps, or physical removal of the nest. It’s important to hire a professional with experience in wasp removal to ensure that all the wasps are removed safely and the nest is treated to prevent future infestations. 
We can also provide advice on how to prevent wasp problems and how to deal with other pests that could attract wasps.

“For lasting control beyond tomorrow”